Sunday, 19 December 2010

letterpress loving

Stumbled upon Letterpress Delicacies on, they also have a wonderful range on their flickr.

Oh yeah and when next I have a spare £75.00 free... I could buy everything to make one of these kitsch cushions, courtesy of Emily Peacock.

Friday, 17 December 2010


Rooting through some old photographs, I took this a good few years back looking down on Tate Modern's turbine hall. I'll always love it, so it deserves a showing.

Friday, 3 December 2010

lost and found

Righty then, I've stuck with cacoon-ing those little mass produced objects we're ever loosing, and always taking for granted. The sort of things my mother would say disappeared to the Narnia style world of the "Woodnits and Didnits" at the back of the kitchen's odds 'n' sods draw. (The creatures there steal singular socks, paper clips, pennies, pin tacks and the like).

Going round corners is tricky.

Even harder on shofter objects.

Got a bit of hair court in one, which adds further connotations to the possible narrative behind each object, which brings me back to viewing Colombian artist Doris Salcedo's elongated table at Tate Modern a few years back, the colouring is similar to Salcedo's select palette, and fusion of materials/objects, often rendering them useless.

Next up coloured thread, on coloured/patterned fabric, and framing some samples.

cross stitch Bambi

I started copying this design from a cross stitch I stumbled upon googling around this summer, but it's upsetting me to use up my favourite colour threads (very sad I know). Hence Bambi two's lack of body... I shall start searching for some replacement pink shrimp fluorescent yarn asap, frame this bugger and get it up on my wall.

look at the birdies..

I spotted this tin whilst walking back along Muswell Hill Broadway, on the way home from the gym with a family friend. He's quite a flamboyant, gregarious type originally from glasgow, our families met as neighbours, I'm now godmother to two of this lovely children. Him and his wife have a wonderful eye for the kitsch, cosy and eclectic. I'm really looking forward to spending Christmas round there's again this year.

Friday, 12 November 2010

one for sorrow, two for joy...

Righty-ho, the time has come for me to seriously put into action an idea I've been toying with for a year or two now. I need some ink, and I want a magpie... or should it be two?

Friday, 29 October 2010

Huw Griffith

Whilst looking up antique mirrors I've just stumbled upon a Designer whose work I really enjoyed, his name Huw Griffith, have a nosey around his website.

Huw reworks found antiques, I'm curious as to what techniques he uses to layer his surface prints and images, but it's just up my street.

Monday, 18 October 2010

cocoon - lost and found

This harks back to a project earlier this year, I think I'll carry on with.. cocooning everyday objects into the surface of the fabric, reminiscent of that feeling of thumbing a penny lost in the pocket lining of a coat.

summer work

Playing a spot of catchup, here's a few snippets from my most resent sketchbooks.

Friday, 21 May 2010


Here are some of my favorite washed out colours.

My cousin didn't quite understand why I wanted him
strategically standing there for so long while I took
some snaps.

Monday, 17 May 2010

tea in Lyme Regis

At the Easter break I caught a few days in Lyme Regis and totally fell in love with the vintage (and faux vintage) shops they had their. The highlight was stumbling upon this wonderful establishment - The Mill Tea & Dining Room - we stopped to have morning tea and after seeing the electric collection of tea cups on display, returned that evening for one of the tastiest most satisfying meals I've ever had in a restaurant.

If your in the area The Mill Tea & Dining room is defiantly recommended (yes it is pricey but the experience is so worth it).

Thursday, 11 February 2010

Decommissioned Domestics

'Decommissioned Domestics' is the title of a new project I'm currently developing for our second year, 7-week self-directed. I hope to spend time in our ceramics & metals workshops, making work that explores themes of innate fragility related to family heirlooms and ceramic antiques, which become stripped of their primary function through an owners over sentimentality towards achieving them.

Sunday, 31 January 2010

glaze tests

Yes, it is geeky to get excited about glaze tests but check these bad boys out...

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

what's in your attic?

My friend was lucky enough to get a job this summer doing property maintenance for an estate agents, in the process of repairing and removing unwanted furniture and abandoned belongings from the houses, he came across some real gems. Lucky enough he's a generous bloke and let his mates sift through the detritus he saved from the skips. I got these vintage celebration cards... and the loan of the 20 seater dinning room table. Score.

Sunday, 3 January 2010

santa baby, just one more little thing...

This Christmas I rekindled a somewhat dormant passion for dressmaking, after doing a bit of a Gok with a sequined bolero from H&M and a beaded neck piece my mum had tucked away in her bits-draw. So, with the encouragement of a close friend, who I will refer to as the eBay queen, I'm going to make a kind of New Year's resolution to buy less from the highroad and haunt Brighton's vintage and charity shops more. I might even challenge my time with a few old Vogue patterns. But, first things first, I need a dressmakers dummy.